Sunday, November 20, 2011

Gifts and Riches

Hello!! It's been a while since I've blogged... But this is going to be a good one :)

I was in church today and I was thinking to myself, why am I just sitting around waiting for something to happen when I can MAKE something happen! Sitting around won't do anything for anyone. So I decided to read my bible today, was praying to God to give me something that I can use, and I flipped to 2 Corinthians 8.

2 Corinthians 8:1-15 is super amazing..... But I've got just a couple of verses I want to talk about here.

2 Corinthians 8:7 says,
"But just as you excel in everything- in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love for us- see that you also excel in this grace of giving."

I have a couple different things I want to say about this one... But it's really such a good verse!! 1) God is all of these... And to me this says that we can have all of that too!! God grants us with such great gifts and these are some qualities we can have through God! That is so amazing... He gives us these in order to spread His undying love to people. Personally, I think that is why giving is separated from everything else, it is important to give to others, not just objects but love, care, forgiveness and LOVE. Not just any type of love but the kind of love Jesus has for us... Unconditional.
So I am wondering though, what does earnestness mean?? On it means:
1.   serious in intention, purpose, or effort; sincerely zealous: an earnest worker.
2.   showing depth and sincerity of feeling: earnest words; an earnest entreaty.
3.   seriously important; demanding or receiving serious attention.

So when you love people, when you do ANYTHING for God.... Do it in complete earnestness. I love those definitions... Especially the second one. :)
2) STRIVE for this.... Don't just sit around waiting for these gifts, but go out and practice these things. Practice makes perfect.... If you go out and pretend like you have all of these gifts, they will come. :) The only way you will excel in faith, speech, knowledge and have earnestness in giving and loving would be if you practice it... Also, pray for it! Have patience and ask God!

So the second verse that I also really, really love is....
2 Corinthians 8:9 says,
"For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich."

This verse is so amazing because it tells me that Jesus gave everything for us sinners. We are covered in dirt but because of Jesus' love, we are made clean! And because Jesus gave everything for us, God gives us so much. He gives us so many things we don't deserve, and He loves us more than we could even imagine, that is how we become rich through Jesus' sacrifice. I can't help but wonder, why do we take all of this for granted?? SERIOUSLY? We should be happy and joyful every day because of what God did for us.. And does for us!

Anyway, God has given us great futures, so don't sit around and wait for anything to happen, make it happen now. Remember: It is all about God. And all about what we can do for Him :) BECAUSE He is so great and has amazing things waiting for us! (If we follow and obey Him) ♥